Author Archive
October 1, 2024
New Polling: Abortion + Caregiving Agenda Gives Democrats an Electoral Edge
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 18, 2024 Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy: Child Care for Every Family Action: New Polling: Abortion + Caregiving Agenda Gives Democrats an Electoral Edge Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, Child Care for Every Family Action, and Global Strategy Group Poll Shows an Opportunity for Democrats to Reach
February 8, 2021
The Hill, Anne Grassie, Mr. President, don’t compromise on paid sick leave for working families
Rochester Child Care, where I’ve worked as family services coordinator for 11 years, sits on a residential street in a small town just up the Salmon Falls River from the New Hampshire coast. The parents who trust us with their toddlers, preschoolers and school-age kids want the enrichment we offer — but they need the
January 8, 2021
Focusing on America’s child care crisis could help Democrats win the next election
Caregivers in America are experiencing burnout on top of burnout. Millions of children are attending school remotely, day care centers are at risk of closing, and many nursing homes have become dangerous for residents and staff alike. Getting affordable, high-quality care for children, elders, and others who need it has always been a struggle for
January 3, 2021
The New Yorker, Sue Halpern, Can Boosting Child and Elder Care Help Democrats Win Control of the Senate?
In mid-December, a few weeks before Georgia’s upcoming January 5th run-off election, Schanceline Nanje was in Marietta, knocking on doors on behalf of Family Friendly Action, a political-action committee working to elect politicians who support what it calls “the care economy”: child care, elder care, health care, and paid family leave. Nanje, who immigrated to
December 14, 2020
The Hill, Lisa Guide, Real COVID-19 relief? Use all tools to invest in the ‘care economy’
As Congress works to cut a deal on COVID-19 relief legislation, there are disturbing reports that lawmakers may ignore the economic needs of millions of Americans struggling to care for children and other loved ones who depend on them. If lawmakers don’t step up to help them now, new data from the 2020 elections suggest